Sy. No. 239, 238/2, 294, Oguru Grama Panchayat, Kandukur +91 88855 66266

Courses Offered & Admissions

Courses Offered & Admissions

Candidate should secure the following percentage of marks in the qualifying degree examination to join in B.Ed OC-50% and SC/ST/BC/PHC-40%

B.Ed college having in take of 100 students. 75% admission made through EDCET Convenor, 25% admissions made through management quota, following the guidelines of APSCHE, Hyderabad.

Courses Offered & Admissions

B.Ed Methodologies
1) Methods of Teaching Mathematics
2) Methods of Teaching Physical Sciences
3) Methods of Teaching Biological Sciences
4) Methods of Teaching Social Studies
5) Methods of Teaching English

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